ART. 13 D. LGS N° 196/2003


Code regarding personal data protection

D. 30/06/2003 Decree Law No. 196 guarantees that the processing of personal data will be respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and dignity, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data. Under Article. 13 D. Decree Law 196/2003, so please note the following:
Purpose of data processing
 Contractual obligations towards the person concerned
 Compliance with legal obligations (administrative, tax, accounting, legal, etc..)
For commercial  purposes: advertising material, market research, promotions and marketing.
Methods of data processing
The treatment can be done either through manual or computer and electronic products;
Provision of data
The conferral of data is needed as indicated in paragraph 1, any refusal to grant access to data makes it impossible to comply as required by law and the lack of donation services provided by our promotions.
Communication and dissemination of data
The data collected may be disclosed to third parties (consultants, accountants, etc.). But always treated according to D. Decree 196/03
Rights of
The ART. 7 D. Law 196/03 gives to the exercise of their rights including: The right to object to the processing of data for commercial purposes The right to cancellation of the same. ·
Requests may be made via:
Mail directing them to Morisfarms Ltd - Farm Poggetti - New Care - 58024 Massa Marittima GR
Controller: Morisfarms Ltd - Farm Poggetti - New Care - 58024 Massa Marittima GR